my November such a busy month. drive a lot. and i'm improve a lot. for such a busy month, November also a month that i spend most of my money on foods and skincare product plus others. hahahahaha. i should save more money since i'm a jobless, good-for-nothing blogger. if you kind enough, please click some ads that appear in my blog. HAHAHHAHA.

in november, i go out like a lot. i'm a indoor type of person. hikkikomori term suits me the best. i love to stay in my room and work out of my laptop for hours. i don't actually hate going outside and have some fun, but it is so tiresome for someone who don't talk much like me to mingling with peoples. my mom said that, don't always stay in room, it will make you sick, human do need some different kind of air. so, here i am going outside of my house to be healthy. hahahhahaha.
okay, done with useless narcissist intro.
i do updates a lot about my life in blog right. so still the same lah. nothing changed. but i think, i changed a lil bit. lately, i losing my patience quite fast. usually, i am a calm type. but now, i do easily express my anger. i hate myself because of that. i need to remain calm and cool like i always did. need to do a lot of istighfar.
in november, i visit Watson store a lot. also has buy a lot of things. such as skincare products, some lip cream. and even a loofah and face sponge (to wash my face with cleanser since i can't afford that automatic-fancy-brush). the watson's face sponge so expensive for two medium pieces (my palm size), about rm15. for the sake of my face, i bought it with a smile. HAHAHA.
and i buy a black Anello backpack (like in the picture above). the price is RM59 (quite pricey for a cheapskate human like mehh). it is a fake one. although it seems legit. hahahaha. i don't really care, as long its can fit my laptop and things. been eyeing for Kanken backpack on insta for a long time, but sokay, i got the better one and got a chance to check it (yeah need to check the zipper and the seams. are they okay or not) while buying since i buy it at some store. satisfying enough. XD
watching list
watch anime a lot like always. some asian movies and korean variety shows. i have some guilty feeling while 'enjoying' watching Yuri On Ice anime. hahahahhahaha. it is a yaoi (boys love) and the fanservice make my nose bleeding virtually. HAHAHAHA. can you hear my heartbeat...... (the Yuri on ice's opening song). for me, this is the best opening song in english for anime this year. ehem, i love the animation, but the story detail just too much for me to handle. i'm not into yaoi. but still gonna watch till the last episode. hahahhaaha
History Maker by Dean Fujioka
it is DECEMBER. the last month of the year!
hoping to end this year with a good month.
so DECEMBER, please be nice. (typical monthly wishes for typical peoples)
may your DECEMBER be great too dear virtual friends of mine~
Takde gambar pun BV? Nak tengok your haul :)
ReplyDeleteSiqah dulu suka tengok anime. Aksi dorang kadang-kadang melampau. Hahaha. Kalau lakonan hidup buat macam tak jadi je, anime jugak buat yang best.
Maybe siqah kena start balik tgk anime :D Sebab skrg dah lembap tgk drama korea. Tgk Legend of the Blue Sea je yang beriya pun 😅 dah tua rasanya 😂
segan nak letak gambar haul tak seberapa. hahahah :D
Deletememang best anime. aksi melampau pun tak kisah sebab animation kan. hahahhaa. XD legend of blue sea tu femes kan sekarang. BV pun nak tengok jugak kalau ada yg rajin download :D
sebijik dgn apa yg my mom salu madah hahaha kmk pun salu diam dalam bilit jak. asalkan ada laptop,hp,wifi,snacks hah gasak jak 24 jam pun dapat dalam bilit hahaha semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan ktk bulan tok kak :)
ReplyDeletehahahaha nang word dak mak2 ya kali. ng heaven mun diam dalam bilit suma ada. paling2 ada movie best pake layan. maksehhhh :) moga dipermudahkan urusan ktk juak :D
Deleteyuri on ice....hahahahahah XD #yurixvictor *shhh :p
ReplyDeletehahhahahhaha *nose bleed* XD
Deletehaha sempat promote click tuuu :D
ReplyDeletehi December :D
memang sempat je. hahahha :D
Deletecantik beg
ReplyDeletethanks. rasanya Anello brand originated from Japan.
Deletemurah tak harga yg ori kat japan? :D
lawanya beg tu (maigaad) and I haven't watch Yuri on ice yet bc wanna wait for it to finish bfore download smua and yes, nose bleed & screaming internally hahahahaha
ReplyDeletethanks! yeahh, hope it will end in the 12th episode soon. hahahahha. :D
Deletesemua gambar selalu lawa, T^T
ReplyDeletethankss! hahahahha bila edit je lawa nie XD
Deletesemoga disember lebih baik untuk kita. btw cantik beg bv. hehe
ReplyDeleteinshaALLAH. harap akan jadi baik. :)
Deletethanks! :D
nak sangat bag tu! cari cari tak jumpa, so beli la jansport je 70 ringgit plus. aaah lawa la bag tu, boleh tahan murah pulak tu T.T
ReplyDeletekt sini banyak jugak yg jual beg camnie. boleh je cari beli on9 beg nie. banyak yg jual rasanya :D wahhh mahal jugak jansport tu. T^T
Deletehahaha . u r like me BV. penat sikit nak cakap banyak since I am that really talkative.
ReplyDeletekannn. kalau yg kurang bercakap tu memang cepat penat nak cakap banyak2. :D
DeleteLawa gila bag tu. Dah lama teringin nak beli. Tadi pergi kedai tengok ada bag style gitu, jeling ja, sebab takda duit.
ReplyDeleteTak suka sangat tengok anime. Hehe. Tahu mirmo zibang, hitman reborn. tu je T.T
takpa2. nanti ada duit lebih boleh lah beli kan. takpun simpan duit. hrhrhr :D
Deletemirmo zibang cute sangat, rindu nak tengok T^T
Anello Backpack original mahal giler
ReplyDeletememang mahal. dah survey harga original. nasib baik beli yg fake je XD
DeleteWill help you with the ads! :D
ReplyDeleteand just to share that I just bought Kanken Backpack, black. It costs me about RM80++ lol. Can't afford to buy the original one!
now I need to save moneyyy moree!
Deletewahhhh Kanken in black been on my wishlist, but now i got Anello, so im ok with that. the price tho T^T
yes, same!
Animeeee~ nadia dlu suka layan anime dkt astro . Sekarang dah tua bangka nie hahaha suka layan korean drama more . =)
ReplyDeleteHave a nice december dear BV =D
wahhhh. BV pun suka jugak layan korean drama. hehehhe :D
Deletethanks yaa, u too :)