i love online shopping to the point i want to buy everything online. hahhahaa kidding. for me, buying things online somehow more cheaper than buying at the physical stores (sometimes) if you know how to find good online shop la. i always compare the prices, shipping cost and etc. before i buy something online, i must do some 'investigation' about how good that online shop are, and read some of the feedback, reviews and more. i will always planned and checked one week or more before i decided to buy something from that online shop/website.
okay let's get back to the main topic,
first item that i bought from lazada,
this is my first experience buying things from lazada website.
to be clear, this is not a sponsored post. (it is just because i want to write something so i have something to post in this blog. LOL)

tbh, this item is not even mine. hahahhaha. i just helped my sister (aien, 16yrs old) to buy it since i told her that it is cheaper to buy the item online and you will have more choices to choose. she believed me and gave me the money that she saved before to buy action camera via online. she also gave me the right to choose any action camera to buy depend on her budget.
i respect her because she done a good job in saving money to buy the thing that she want. with the budget of rm140, i decided to check lazada website to find suitable action camera that fits to the budget.

yeah, i choose this SJ7000 brand. before decided to buy, i watched a lots of reviews on youtube and read the feedback and review in the lazada website. it is quite a decent action camera with cheap price. so, checkout and done payment then wait for the item to arrived. my sister so excited as i am. HAHAHAHA

unboxing time! she choose the red colour and she totally love it. we don't have any experiences with action camera, so we just discover everything by ourself and check some guide. it is really exciting. seriously :D

brand/model : SJ7000
price : rm139 (free shipping)
what do you get in the box : most of the accessories, charger, guide (not include SD card)
thing that i love about lazada are :
⚡ they send a message once the item is being shipped and you can track the item status on lazada website.
⚡ free shipping for selected items. i'm so happy to know that some items are free shipping even for sarawak. since shipping cost from SM to SS quite costly T^T, and having a free shipping is like a blessing in online shopping thingy. hahahhahaha atleast for me la kan.
⚡ fast process, after the payments (in the midnight), few hours later it been processed and a day later it ready to be shipped, got the tracking number. (respect the the seller for fast process!)
definitely will buy something again from lazada if i have a chance!
been eyeing some gadgets on lazada for ages.
so, should i make a review about this action camera?
do you have any experiences shopping at lazada website?
see ya!
wow... bestttt sjcam. abang kmk ada juak ya ria... nang boleh tahan superb juak quality gambar nya instead of record pakei camera handphone..
ReplyDeleteprice : rm139 (free shipping)
perghh nang murahh... kelak dah berjaya dlm dunia blog ada income banyak boleh lah beli gopro gik... kmk lom ada minat gik nak bersj cam mahupun gopro. camera hp jak.. tp ya lah camera hp sik kacak
mun xsalah kmk tk bukan sjcam. just nama jak sj :D
Deleteaok boleh tahan quality video nya. kira cun la dgn harga ya :) yalahtek, moga berjaya dalam dunia blog :D sama jak, kmk pun nang pake hp jak XD
please do the review! kat my uni jual rm150, it's kinda big difference la dengan harga yang sis beli ni :D
ReplyDeletei will :D
Deletewah ada jual kat uni? sama brand ke lain2? :)
It's quite cheap! I think you should do a review about the camera.
ReplyDeleteMaybe some of us might want to know the quality of the pics and how it works hehe.
oraittt, i will do a review soon :D
DeleteWah murah tu dapat RM139 siap free shipping. Barang online mmg murah tapi kena cari betul2 trusted seller. heheh.
ReplyDeletebetul tu, kena cari trusted seller dan baca banyak2 feedback sebelum beli apa2, takut kena tipu :D
Deletewow boleh tahan murah.nanti share la gambar.sebb tengah cari jugak action camera best
ReplyDeleteye, nanti share dalam review :D
Deletememang best kalau ada action camera yg best2 macam nie :)
I only buy cheap things online. Macam tudung etc. Itupun sebab kawan ajak ('cos the more you buy, the cheaper the price). Tapi sekarang dah stop completely. Idk. I prefer looking, testing, checking things personally (face to face) so I wouldn't have any regret.
ReplyDeleteyeah in online shopping, sometimes i might've regret if something that i buy, not worth it. but idk, i really like online shopping, maybe more choices and easier. lain orang lain taste kan :D
DeleteWahhhh, bestnya. Nanti bolehlah buat review gambar-gambar yang ditangkap guna sjcam ni :)
ReplyDeletememang best, tapi nie bukan jenama sjcam rasanya, nama je ada sj :D
DeleteWow murah! Lazada memang convenient sebab macam-macam ada..
ReplyDeletekan, senang nak shopping di lazada, macam2 ada :D
Deletemurah juak,kmk blum prnah try gik beli gadjet2 cm tok scra online,sik brapa brani sebena hahaha boh lupak review kak!
ReplyDeletekmk pun lamak juak carik2 n mok cayak beli gadget macam tk. tapi yalatek, beli online murah gk selalunya. pandey2 jak carik trusted seller, hehehe :D
DeleteMurah betul tu BV..! Make a review out of it please..
ReplyDeletei will do some review soon :D
DeletePernah COD je dengan Lazada ni hehe. Tu pun beli casing. I could see your excitement! :p
ReplyDeleteyeahh, hehehe jarang ada COD sampai kt tempat bv T^T
DeleteMurahnya. Review please. Selalu kalau kat kolej, iron, heater, laptop, ampaian semua member2 memang share beli ramai2 kat lazada :D
ReplyDeletei will :D kannn, best beli share2 barang kat lazada, lebih murah dan jimat postage kan :D
DeleteOHHHH I wish to have one camera too! HIhi. Senang kan, tak payah sibuk nak bawa phone je. Sayang phone nanye :)
ReplyDeleteSiqah takde pengalaman shopping dengan Lazada. Pernah shopping dengan Zalora je. maybe I should try with Lazada :)
murah gak tu boleh shopping lazada jugak ni
ReplyDeletedah lama usha action cam ni tapi tak terbeli sebab takut tak puas hati dengan kualiti gambarnya. please reviewwwwwwww! nak tengok hasil gambar and video please :3
ReplyDeletelast week kakak beli lenovo smartphone dekat lazada anddddd everything was fine . barang pun elok je sampai and yang penting dapat harga rendah dengan spec yang quite good .
ReplyDeleteSo far alhamdulillah semua barang yang Mrs. A beli online di Lazada baik-baik sahaja kualitinya, cepat dan berbaloi-baloi.
ReplyDeleteSenang kata experience bersama lazada sweet-sweet sahaja ;-)
besnya ada screen belakang,beli yicam xde screen tuu
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such a nice experiments of shopping at lazada :).. Nanti saya mahu cuba juga lah hoho
ReplyDeletePlease make review about the action camera. :D never have experience with Lazada yet, but once I have gadget to buy I'll check it. :D
ReplyDeleteSiap ada screen tuuuu T_T Screen GoPro kalau beli separately pun dah 300+. Please nak reviewwww :)
Syoknya! Selalu shopping kat lazada tapi tak pernah terfikir pulak nak beli action camera ni. Hehe.. Pleaseeee nanti review camera ni pulak okey, mana tau boleh beli jugak. Hehe.
ReplyDeletecomelnyaaa , cute kecik je. hehe.. merah pulak tu.. busyra pernah beli di lazada.. sekali dua mcm tu ja.