would you buy some experiences? | 2017 Bucket List

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

I always want to share my bucket lists of the year 2017, maybe by doing this, my dream will come true. yeah, who might know what happen next in the future.

would you buy experiences?
spending money on experiences? would ya?
YES, I'D LOVE TO (ehem if I got tons of money. ehem2)

1. ice skating / rollerblade
I have been wanting to skate for a long time but still, I didn't have a chance to do so. to be honest, there are no ice rinks at my place and the only place I know having an ice rink is in KL. hahaha. I don't really know of there are other places than that. why do I want to try ice skating? the main reason is because I watched a movie about ice hockey a long time ago, I've forgotten what the title of the movie is, but i really love the way they training in the ice rinks. sliding fast on the ices, isn't it's cool? yeah, it is!

2. water park
I love water, but I'm afraid of deep water because i can't swim. but I want to enjoy in the waterpark. playing slides and all of those fun things at the waterpark. I can feel assure at the waterpark because they have the lifeguard, aren't they?

3. travel
I want to travel so bad. I'm still planning my trips. still searching for partners because my mom won't let me go alone. I have been itching to grab my passport and travel alone. catching and breathing in the aesthetic nature and buildings. thus, I need to feel different in the air, environment, culture, and people. 

4. learning new language
I love languages. I'm always want to learn Japanese, Korean, Chinese (mandarin, Cantonese) and more languages. for now, I'm trying to focus on one language which is Japanese, it is a self-learning, so I just take more time to learn and chill. hahaha. for now, I'm still trying to memorize the characters of hiragana and katakana. never know this will be hard and quite confusing. it has been few month now, and I'm still not focusing XD 

5. watching cinema ALONE
I have been wanting to do this. I enjoy doing things like this ALONE because I want to have a 'me time' for myself. relaxing and chilling my tired minds and get to know myself better. while watching a movie alone at cinema make me focusing on the movie better. I don't like people talking to me while I'm focusing on watching movies, especially at cinema mainly because I can't pause or rewind certain scenes, so the only way to get into the movie and not missing any scenes is FOCUSING. hahahhaha

6. watching a theater / live musical
I would like to experience watching live theater and musical. because? I want to. so badly. the genre I want to watch are legendary, mystery and fantasy. 

7. cafe hopping / steamboat
my love for foods never die. I love pastry and sweets things, but I rarely eating cakes and sweets things, i love coffee only when it is in the latte form (milk coffee) hahhaa and tea is totally my favourite drinks, any kind of tea except green tea with jasmine (because it taste like I'm drinking a perfume. LOL). steamboat, well again because I love food, to be honest, I never have a chance to eat steamboat-like foods.


thanks a lot Eventbrite for inspiring me to do this kind of post in this humble blog.

check out the delightful purchase of experience on Eventbrite

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spending money on experiences? would ya?
what kind of experiences would you like?
share me some of your bucket list of this year. 

see ya when i see ya lah,
ilal liqa'


  1. You can go to Seoul Garden to have steamboat! I think so far, it's one of the best Korean restaurants hehe. I would want to go to Sunway Lagoon again! I love to play the water slide, roller coaster and vuvuzela. You should go there once to experience it yourself.

    1. too bad there are no seoul garden at here T^T
      yeahhh, i wish i can spend my time eating there one day. :D
      i want to go to sunway lagoon so bad!!

  2. Nice list you have compiled. I wanted to do cafe hopping too.

    1. thanks, please do. i really want to do cafe hopping. :D

  3. travel is a good invest for quality experients

    1. yes! jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan. wehehe :D

  4. Semua list tu best-best... (smile)

  5. sy pula seram dengan deep water sebab boleh tetiba terbayang ada hantu tarik kaki masuk dalam :'p adoiii

    1. hahhhaha, BV seram dgn deep water sebab kita taktau binatang apa ada dalam tu. wahhahaha

    2. binatang takpa lagi tapi hantu air tu... huwaaa :'p dah lama x steamboat, ngidam plak tetiba XD

  6. semua yg BV teringin nak buat ni saya pun teringin, terutama travel!

    tpi yg nombor 5 tu tak kot, sebab saya tak reti tengok cinema sorang. gelabah nak cari seat kerusi xD kalau pegi dgn siblings selalunya diorang yg cari nombor seat siap2 HAHAHA!

    1. kannn, BV pun yg paling teringin nak buat adalah travel :D
      faham jugak part tu, BV pun belum pernah tengok cinema sorang2, teringin jugak nak sorang2 kan, tengok macam mana boleh survive tak? hahahhaa

  7. I wanted to give a try to enter the cinema alone but somehow, perasaan malu tu kuat.. hahaha

    1. hahhaha kan, faham jugak tu kan, BV pun agak mesti ada rasa awkward sikit kan. tapi teringin jugak, tengok dapat survive ke tidak :D

  8. omg i wanna learn japanese too and my cousin actually asked me to join her taking jlpt next year XD maybe you should too :D

    1. yeahhhh. i donno if here got jlpt or not T^T
      it is hard to find japanese classes here XD

  9. Jum ah pergi seoul garden, makan steamboat sampai kenyang terdampar jummm!!! Hehe.. If only I have lotsa money, dilimpahi rezeki dan kesihatan yang baik, I would love to TRAVEL the world! How I wish... 😻💃💞

    1. wahhhh nak je makan steamboat sampai terdampar. hahhahaha kalau la dekat kan. :D
      me too, i wish. let's pray for the best :)

  10. kmk penah main ice skating. hmmm susah. lagik2 org nok ada anxiety mcm kmk tok nang payah. main tapi pgg palang rah tepi hahaha. travel n tgk wyg sorang pun penah. i mean, kmk sorg dlm panggung wyg pun penah!! hahahah! belaja language ya kita sama. kmk belaja korea. belaja kedirik. tp sik abis2 gik belaja sampe kinek ahahahah! u should try doing all these things!! mun dtg miri roger2 okayy. blh hangoutt :D

    1. banyak juak dengar pasal ice skating ya ng susah. hahhahaa tapi mok try juak. :D
      jelesnyaaa, travel sorang?? wahhhhh. dalam panggung wayang pun sorang2? berani juak mun sorang2 dalam ya lain sikit rasa, cerita apa time ya ka? hahahhahhaa. sama la, susah juak mok belajar sendirik tk sebab mun sikda mood, nang camya jak nya. XD orait2. harap dapat pergi miri la klak. heheheh :)

  11. A thing I can remember for now to share with you, I really want to travel on a cruise or yacht hehe. It's expensive, maybe not for the mean time.


    1. wahhhh this sound amazing!
      hope your wish will come true one day. :D hehehe

  12. Ommo , shaf sanggup saje keluar duit untuk travel tapi kalau duit ciput-ciput tak leh jugak kang nak makang ape haha. Btw, I wanna go travel to KOREA!

    1. kannn. BV pun sanggup keluar duit nak travel, kumpul2 duit je dulu kan. nak travel kat korea jugakk :D

  13. Best la post sis BV ni. No 1 smpai no 4 tu saya rasa nak mcm tu jugak. 😊

    1. thanks! boleh la buat bucket list jugak lepas nie kan :D

  14. That is what we all want. Hope all of your dreams come true :)

    1. thanks izz, may your dreams come true too :D

  15. Me too I love to spending on travelling . Through travel we can learn a lot and know ourself better . I guess.

    I love to watch theater / live musical . If BV minat jugak boleh je join nadia and siqah if kitaorg gie . Sebab kitaorang suka teater.

    I to learn Korean and Japanese too!!! Tahu Korean sikit-sikit sebab tgk drama korea. Tapiii nak converse mmg tak reti lah kan . Hihi

    My bucketlist 2017 are :
    - travel to japan ( either spring - autumn )
    - pindah rumah
    - save more money tapi still can't stop myself from shopping haih

    Eventbrite nie nadia pun ada download and register . Mmg byk event ia provide kan . Nadia pernah pergi sekali under eventbrite - Ted Talk =)

    1. yeahhh, agreed. so many things we can learn from traveling and we will also may know ourself better. a really good points! :D

      wahhh teringin nak joinnnn. kat sini jarang ada teater T^T
      boleh la join kalau berjumpa suatu hari nanti :D

      yay! ada geng. hahahhaa BV pun tahu japanese dr anime dan korean dr kdrama. hehhehe kannn. tau basic sikit2 pun okay dah rasanya. :D

      BV pun nak travel ke japan. tapi entah la bila. hahhahaa. nak travel tahun nie ke?
      all the best utk bucketlist 2017, harap semua tercapai. faham jugak part shopping tu. hahahha :D

      BV pun baru tau pasal eventbrite nie. memang banyak event yg kita boleh tau dari situ, boleh jugak create event sendiri. best :D

    2. kan if tahu sikit bahasa japan / korea rasa mcm proud sikit lah dgn diri sendiri. Atleast tahu basic pun jadilah . Kikiki.

      tq for the wish BV . Wish no 1 tue semoga dipermudahkan aah nnt ke Japan nov 2017 nie. amin.

      Yang no 2 and 3 insyaallah akan ku cuba usahakan hihi

      haaaa... boleh2, if BV ada di KL and kitaorang nak g ke teater tue insyaallah nadia inform ( hopefully nadia tak lupa lah ) hihi

  16. ICE SKATING! I really want to skate because I watch a Christmas movie, Blizzard long time ago. I really thought that I can skate like Katie in that movie but reality hurts T_T Hahaha. First time main ice skating banyak jatuh je sampai basah lencun seluar nasib baik [akai seluar warna gelap time tu so tak nampak sangat basah XD

    1. yeahhh, i know that movie! :D hahahhaa i guess i will be like this once i try skating in the future. XD but still nak merasa jugak. thanks for the tips, nanti kalau nak merasa boleh la pakai seluar gelap2. hehhee

  17. When I travel to Langkawi, I spend money more to activities that I can gain experiences. Parasailing, jetski, skytrex. Semua ni first time experience masa pegi Langkawi dulu. Hihi memang berbaloi. :D

    1. wahhhh i envy youuuu. teringin jugak nak gain experiences dengan aktiviti macam nie. mesti best gila kan :D

  18. kenapa awak punya entry comel sangat?

  19. tag sis di sini http://airahsyahirah.blogspot.com/2017/04/sunshine-blogger-award-tagged-by.html

  20. Siqah suka tengok movie ALONE. Haha. Lagi selesa jugak nanye tambah lagi kalau filem romantik. Takdelah segan sangat. Muahaha.

    Watching teater pun best! Kepuasan berganda. Hii. Mujur ada teman gengmakan macam nadiah untuk teman. Tapi selected teater jugaklah nak tengok. Kalau ada lagi, bolehlah join sekali ktorg :)

    Ohh Siqah suka travel jugak!! Cuma kengkawan masa dan duit tue lah. Dan one more kawan travel. Siqah tak boleh travel sekali with my friends + my colleague sebab satu team. So nak cari kawan travel. Jom BV! Hii. Korea next year! :)

    Siqah tak pernah main ice skating jugak. Teringin tapi masih tak pergi lagi. Takut gak nanye. Hihi. Dan yes, Siqah suka cafe hopping too! SUka lepak kat kafe lama2 jugak. Hihi


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