TASTING | Samyang Spicy Ramen

Saturday 10 September 2016


samyang spicy ramen

finally i got a chance to taste the viral SAMYANG SPICY RAMEN. they got a lot of name like SAMYANG HOT CHICKEN RAMEN, SAMYANG FIRE NOODLES. but i stick with SAMYANG SPICY RAMEN because easier to pronounce and it really describe the whole things.

by the way, the samyang spicy ramen packaging really cool and it is quite big from what i have expected. yeah we usually know that our instant noodles packaging is in medium size and compare to this samyang spicy ramen, it can cover whole of my face! no wonder the price so expensive kan. 

okey lets proceed.

review samyang noodles
i got my Samyang Spicy Ramen from online shop. i have bought two loose pack and one big bowl of Samyang Spicy Ramen. both have HALAL logo on the package. and even the local seller is a muslim. actually this ramen can be found in certain supermarket location. because im so lazy looking for this ramen all over supermarket that exist, so why not i just buy it online. easier right? been craving this for a long time because of the challenge on youtube. wargghhh, social medias really affecting my life. 

review samyang noodles
two packets of flavor. the red packet is the fire sauce. and the white packet is some of seaweed i guess?. everyone know how to cook instant noodle right? so no need any instruction here, stir-fried ramen. yummeh~

review samyang noodles
we (my two sisters and i) just eat one of the loose pack of the ramen. sharing2 like that la, coz i bet no one can finish all the ramen in one packet. HAHAHHAHA. so we try with scrambled egg (more like to endure the spiciness with egg) and some leftover of sayur campur. and of course we prepared a lot of cold water. 

the tasting moment began~
i'm not the one who like to eat spicy food. sometimes i even hate spicy food. but i do like to eat something like chicken nuggets, sausage with chili sauce. 

but this samyang spicy ramen have shocked me with the spiciness. i love to eat the ramen, but the flavor of spiciness are strong and my tongue feel numb and my lips feel swollen. hahahahaha. gratefully we eat with some of scrambled egg. gladly, the shocking spiciness doesn't last long in mouth if you always eat and drink. XD

i think if you like spicy foods, you still can handle this. my sisters and i are wondering how can people do the challenge and finish the whole packet of Samyang Spicy Ramen by himself/herself without drink anything and some even adding more chili and hot sauce. daebak. thumbs up!

i can still eat this even it spicy it taste good. the smell of the spiciness remind me one of instant noodle that already exist in our country. there one instant noodle with the same theme which spiciness and fried noodle, but that noodle flavor is green cili padi i guess and even the noodle is green in colour. i forgot what kind of brand, whether indomie or mi sedap. 

yeah, no regrets and i wanna eat more. :3
guys, should i accept the challenge and do some some samyang spicy ramen challenge? XD

see ya'


  1. Ena sampai sekarang masih tak berani lagi nak cuba.. tunggu kawan makan, baru nak menumpang sesudu.. hahaha. Tak tahan makan pedas sangat

    1. hahahha boleh je cuba cara macam tu. :D
      boleh la cuba lepas nie sebab walaupun pedas rasa dia sedap :)

  2. If I am on the challenge, the only thing people will see is a crying face. Hehe.

    The whole packet is enough for 2 meals haahaa


    1. kannn. memang menangis sambil sedut2 hingus :D
      banyak kan untuk satu bungkus tu :3

  3. kmk makan tok sik penah abis. coba ktk campo cheese. nyaman :D

    1. wahhh campur cheese? kelak try mun makan gik :D

  4. I love this Samyang .My current obsessions .

    First time makan ... memang rasa pedas sangat .

    after repeat few times pedas dah tak rasa lansung . LOve it much !!! hihihi =)

    1. dah 3 kali BV makan, still rasa pedas T^T
      tapi sedap kan :D

  5. Dah dua kali merasa maggi pedas ni... sedap dan tersangat la pedas. hahaha

  6. amacam..pedas kan....tapi best la awak makan dengan vege and telur..

    1. memang pedas. makanan tambahan tu untuk tahan pedas je :D

  7. Lepas makan samyang terus masuk toilet.

    and yes, i challenge u! :P

    1. hahahhaha, i dont dare to challenge myself yet. :D kita tunggu :3

  8. Tak suka makan samyang, tak teringin pun, mungkin bukan buatan malaysia. Haha. Me is so picky about food. Kat rumah ada jak abg suka makan. Perah asam limau kat ramen tu, orang kata best!


    1. hahhaha, takpe :D memang ada yg jenis memilih pasal makanan. tp sebab BV nak try jugak memang kena try la. hehhehee. menarik tu makan perah limau. nanti try kalau ada masa :D

  9. Nk mkn ni kene ada teknik. Jgn minum air. Mcm mkn bersulam air. Mmg pedas ler klu gitu hoho. My fav

  10. im not a spicy lover 😭 tapi rasa dia memang sedap. tiap kali makan mesti tak habis 😂


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