as human, there are many things that u never expect to happen are happening to u. and that are happening to me now. i am a family-oriented one. i always feel that family first over all duniawi thingy. i always want to protect them especially my parents and siblings. i love my family so much and i hate it when some of them hurt or sick. although, sometimes or all the time that i look like i dont care, but i really care. and sometimes i might cry alone when i think of my family *homesick*. i just want them to be safe and always happy. i bet everyone want to protect their family. and this family thingy always make me feel 'taching2 la konon'. yup, bab family nie quite sensitive to me la. sebab i really love my family. HAHAHA. takhabis2 ulang kan. kalau part movie yang story pasal family2 nie aku cepat betul la taching. aduhai.

i hate expressing how sad i am infront of peoples, even it is my family and my friend. i hate when peoples sympathize. it just dont feel right. try to make me happy and make me feel bright instead of u trying to feel the sadness i feel and we both drown by the sadness. so please be happy for my sake. will u?
till i write again.
ilal liqa'
sama juga macam saya, saya anggap keluarga macam segalanya bagi saya dan saya takut untuk berpisah dengan mereka suatu hari nanti.
ReplyDeletesrsly agree. i hate it so much when ppl are trying to show their sympathy, while im trying to be strong for my own sake. do me a favor, understand me but support me. :)
ReplyDeleteeveryone loves their family :) selalu doakan mereka sihat dan selamat di mana sahaja
ReplyDelete:((( qila pun takleh aaa kalau main dgn family. Yup. Family comes first!!!! :)) tetiba teringat pulak cerita Miracles in cell no. 7 </3 aaaaa
ReplyDeleteYoure not alone BV. Me too. Kalau kat luar acah-acah sado muka tu memang grumpy selalu. Tapi kalau bab family ni sesitive sikit. ((Rasanya semua orang pun macam ni kan?))
ReplyDeleteI feel you on your last passage tu. I dont really express my sadness too. Stay strong BV.
samalah kita :')
ReplyDeletethey are the best gift in our life
me too.. akak akan ok kalau mak dan abah kuat.. kalau dorang pun sedih, mmg tak kuat la.. meronta2 nak balik peluk mak dan abah.. huhu.
ReplyDeletesemoga semua urusan dipermudahkan BV
ReplyDeletesebolehnya taknak sedih dpn dorg, selalu nk berlagak kuat je kan dpn dorg..sama la