i always adore tumblr and pinterest room decoration idea because most of the deco does fit my style. hahahhahaha. and one day, i think, i gonna make my room like this and that. so here am i. im gonna share whats the important tips to decorate your room to be tumblr inspired room. although my room is far beyond this ideas. hahahhaha. because im sharing my room with 3 sisters. XD
lets get started

the color
its doesnt matter what color your walls is. but it does matter sometimes, hahahahha. okay, lets get serious. ehem. room wall color does matter when u have a room and you want your room to be comfortable, best places on earth. color will gives your room an image. this is applicable for any color, unless your room is translucent and transparent. for example, your room is in pastel color, so it will creates soothing and relaxing vibes. :) so u need to paint your walls. white is also a color. :D

the pictures
to create a tumblrish room, you might need some pictures. stick these pictures of yours on the walls. some posters as well. and maybe some quotes. for me, i rather put pictures of stars, landscape and things than pictures of peoples because its quite creepy. there a lot of horror movies where the eyes of drawing or picture moving by itself you know. hahahhahahaha. XD

the lights
fairylight! lampu raya kelip2. for those who hate to sleep in the dark. this is a good things to do and make your room looks very pretty in the dark. sambil tu boleh fefeeling gojes dalam bilik sendiri. hahahahha. oh, one things, it is better to have only one color for your fairylights. sebab kalau banyak color lampu liplap merah kuning hijau biru, bilik kau disko ke nak beraya? hahahhahahah. LOL, its okay to have those different color of fairylight. lagi cantik kan kalau warna warni. :)

tidy, comfy, cozy
a room need these 3 important criteria. who likes to be in messy, dirty, uncomfortable room? your room are the mirror of your personality.
thats all for now. hahahhaa
if you have more tips to share about decorating rooms, please dont be shy to share here. :)
disclaimer : all the pictures in this post are not mine. just save these a long time ago and forgot where i found these. but mostly on google. if u need a proper credits or need the pictures to be remove, please let me know and do email me. :3
till then, see ya
If When u finished make a decoration in ur room like that, i will promise, u will never leave in ur room in 24 hour at the day..hehehe :3
ReplyDeleteyeahhh, hahahhaha
Deletebecause room will be more cozy and comfortable than other places on earth :D
Wah mcm lampu raya dah.. Ada kwn saya dulu dia decorate bilik dia guna lampu2 ni (kat kolej kediaman), dari jauh boleh agak mesti cantik bilik dia.
ReplyDeletememang cantik kalau letak lampu2 tu dalam bilik. nampak meriah :)
Deletecoincidently im looking for an idea on how to decorate my sleeping zone! hee thank youu xD
ReplyDeletehope this tips helps! you welcome :)
Deletewow. nice n cool. sy suka. :)
ReplyDeletethanks :D
Deleteboleh la apply kat bilik sendiri lepas nie :)
nice tips (: once pernah jugak decorated my room with stuff like that until my mom masuk dan cakap how messy my room is lololol.
ReplyDeletethanks :D
Deletehahahaha really? memang nampak messy tapi entah kenapa macam cool je XD
Bilalah bilik saya nk mcmni jugak kan.. Huhu
ReplyDeletetakpe, nanti boleh la buat bilik macam nie :D
Deletebilik BV pun entah bila la macam nie XD
mmg suka tgk photo collage kat walls. tiba2 mcm nak beli Instax camera.
ReplyDeleteBV pun suka tengok. tapi instax camera mahal. XD
DeleteFAIRYLIGHT IS CRUCIAL. i had em in my room ♥ but not in my rumah sewa, sad T_T
ReplyDeleteyeahhh. beli satu lagi khas untuk dirumah sewa :D dont sad2 XD
Deletekmk selalu save gambar mcm tok dari pinterest hahaha ntah bila mok dpt bilit kacak macam ya T_T
ReplyDeletekmk pun banyak save kmk camtok. yalah, bila jak mok dapat bilit kacak. hahahhaha T^T
DeleteLawa-lawa semuanya.
ReplyDeleteTapi malangnya barang kat bilik banyak sangat, tapi bilik sempit, so duduk laa bilik macam masuk tin sardin. Hahahahah
hahahhaa sabar je la. asal selesa dan kemas dan boleh dijadikan tempat tido XD
Deletehahahhaa sabar je la. asal selesa dan kemas dan boleh dijadikan tempat tido XD