omurice or nasi goreng pattaya

Thursday, 23 March 2017

hello world. here i am so bored and don't know what to write and this time i'm gonna share some useless things again. sigh. but actually i don't really care. hahahahahhahaa evil laugh.

OMURICE - Omurice or omu-rice is an example of yƍshoku consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup. With omu and raisu being contractions of the words omelette and rice. source - wikipedia

NASI GORENG PATTAYA - Nasi goreng pattaya, or simply nasi pattaya, is a Southeast Asian fried rice dish made by covering or wrapping chicken fried rice, in thin fried egg or omelette. source - wikipedia.

Nasi Goreng Pattaya
usually when i ordered nasi goreng pattaya, i'm only got the nasi goreng wrapped with omelette with some fancy looking chili sauce and mayo on top. but this time, i got some chilies sambal and fried chicken. RM6. nice!

the differences i found in both nasi goreng pattaya and omurice are the nasi goreng pattaya usually served with chili sauce (some may put mayo) and some may put sambal. but omurice usually with ketchup (tomato?) and some served with curry. same concept which omelette and fried rice, but different in a way of taste(maybe) or the way it served.

we usually don't find it easy to have OMURICE in most of malaysian-style restaurants. then Nasi Goreng Pattaya is one of the basic menu.

eating nasi goreng pattaya reminds me of the one of my all time favourite korean drama, ROOFTOP PRINCE. hahahhahahha.

ehem, i never eat omurice. but i want to try some. (fresh cooked from japanese/korean chef, not by malaysian. wakakkakaa)

i want to put some omurice pictures here in the post, but TOO lazy to wait for the pictures to load, download and upload. so, google it. i bet most of you already know how the omurice looks like. how it is looks like? it LOOKIN' good. hahhahahhaha

the end of useless rants about foods,
see ya, when i see ya lah.
ilal liqa'


  1. I've never of trying omurice before but guess, I should give it a try.. haha

    1. yeahhh u should try. i wish i can try some too. maybe one day :D

  2. hahaha selalu teringin rasa makanan dlm kdrama tu

    1. kannn, ingat BV je yg fikir camtu. hahhahaa

  3. That nasi goreng pataya looks good! You really know how to make people drooling over a picture hahaha lapar terus.

    1. kannn, hahahhaa sorry2. harap dah kenyang ye. :D

  4. Omurice!!! OMG i thought i am the only one who actually knows the existence XD HAHA

    1. hahhahha dont worry now, you're not the only one :D

  5. omurice reminds me of rooftop prince too!!!! xD

  6. Terus jadi lapar tengok gambar tu :)

    1. hahaha, sorry2. harap boleh merasa lepas nie :)

  7. sy tau pasal omurice ni pon lepas layan Rooftop Prince. Bestkan drama tu �� Ketawa2 sy tngk dorg makan omurice tu dgn gelojoh

  8. Nasi goreng pataya dan ayam goreng dengan harga RM6 - murah tuuu.. Siqah tak tengok Rooftop Prince. Tak dapat nak bayang omurice tu camne rupanya. Hii


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