makin rajin pulak aku update entry kan. hee. aku sebenarnya nak update entry dalam bi. sebab nak asahkan lagi bi aku yang semakin lapuk ditelan zaman. otak pun makin lembab bila dah lama tak praktis menulis dalam bi. so entry kali nie maybe aku buat rojak2 la. muahaha.
i will write about 'mulut puaka' or horror mouth in english. haha. onehundredpercent translate.
the mulut puaka's people always talk bad thing and 'mencarut'.
when something goes wrong or they piss off or just a coincidence, what they will say is something that are not suppose to say. muahaha *hambek*
it is impolite.
and never talk like that infront of peoples. tendency to have a 'mulut puaka' among hot tempered peoples is high. so keep calm and 'sabar'. but sometimes, people who are 'latah' also can have the symptoms. muahaha.

this is 'mulut puaka'
sorry to write.
ilal liqa'
CikUngu tak panggil mulut puaka kalau ada yang mulutnya kuar perkataan yang xbaik tapi cikUngu panggil mulut longkang :p
ReplyDeleteHaha nice entry! i thought you want to share about someone have that the "mulut puaka"
ReplyDeleteTak suka lah dengar perkataan2 buruk keluar daripada mulut sesiapa saja. Padahal diri saya sendiri pun kadang2 macam2 keluar dan sedang mencuba untuk tak cakap benda2 tu.. >.<
ReplyDeletekeep writing in english ya..
ReplyDeletegood entry :)
hmm, lg malu kalau perempuan yg mencarut... nampak tak sopan sgt.. lg2 bila ditweetnya...